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The U.S. Department of Energy conducts research to solve the complex and unclear interconnection rules of energy storage systems

Date2020-7-22   On Click:421

  • According to media reports, the U.S. Department of Energy plans to launch a research project to remove major obstacles that affect the full benefits of energy storage systems: the complexity and ambiguity of the interconnection rules of the US states' power grids.
    Larry Sherwood, CEO and President of the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC), said: “Nowadays, many people who propose to deploy solar + energy storage projects do not understand the rules of the interconnection of energy storage systems with the grid. This gives energy storage development. Suppliers have brought a lot of uncertainty, increased costs, and may cause them to withdraw from certain markets. The result is that they cannot get the full benefits of deploying energy storage systems."

    The Interstate Renewable Energy Commission (IREC) will lead a three-year research project that began in April this year to identify regulatory and technical barriers to the rules for interconnecting energy storage systems with the grid, including independent Deploy energy storage systems and solar + energy storage projects.

    After that, the Interstate Renewable Energy Commission (IREC) and its partners will build a "Technologically Reliable Energy Storage System Interconnection Evolution" (BATRIES) project and will create a "solution toolbox", the toolbox It can be applied to many different state regulatory systems and market designs nationwide.

    According to the agreement, with the support of the US Department of Energy's Solar Energy Technology Office, the overall goal of the "Technologically Reliable Energy Storage System Interconnection Evolution" (BATRIES) project is to reduce the soft costs associated with the deployment of grid-connected energy storage projects. Cooperating with the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) will be the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), the American Solar Energy Industry Association (SEIA), the American Energy Storage Association (ESA), and California Solar Energy. + Energy Storage Association (CALSSA), utility companies PacifiCorp and New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, and Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger law firms.

    Arshad Mansoor, President of the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), said, “Independently deployed energy storage systems and solar + energy storage systems provide great potential for improving grid reliability and resilience. We look forward to helping energy storage manufacturers cope with the grid through technical expertise. Interconnection challenges."

    Grid interconnection rules

    Once the roadmap to eliminate the key challenges identified in the grid interconnection process is established, the research project will create a solution toolkit in the first two years of its beginning, and extensive training and education promotion will be carried out in the third year. Help promote the deployment of energy storage systems in most states in the United States.

    Sherwood said: "Best practices to establish rules for the interconnection of energy storage systems and grids are critical to sustaining the growth of the energy storage market and achieving massive clean energy deployment."

    Sara Baldwin, the former vice president of regulatory affairs at the Interstate Renewable Energy Commission (IREC), recently published a blog on how interconnection procedures become grid interconnection rules.

    Baldwin said that the current lack of common rules and predictable processes may lead to difficulties and high costs for energy storage deployment. In addition, the controllability and unique flexibility of energy storage systems, as well as the ability to perform different operations according to different applications, mean that the need for interconnection standards is particularly prominent.

    The Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) has developed a set of interconnection program models in 2019. Baldwin described it as the first step in the interconnection process of energy storage systems, which provides a useful starting point for US states to solve these problems. . The committee also released a white paper on how to modernize the distribution network in May this year, aimed at helping stakeholders to promote active investment by public utility companies.

    Although manufacturers in the energy storage industry do not expect or advocate large government subsidies, new rules (such as the landmark FERC Order 841) instruct grid operators to allow distributed energy storage systems to participate in the wholesale market, thereby providing a potential source of income , And play an important role in the energy market. This will create a more level playing field for battery energy storage systems and other energy storage systems that can compete with traditional power generation assets that achieve grid balance.
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